H&K TubeMeister 5 真空管音箱頭

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  • 2012 五月日本全面最新上市

  • 超迷你真空管音箱頭

  • 出力夠,厚實,好聽


The TubeMeister 5 stands as a testament to the knowledge and passion of Mr. Hughes and Herr Kettner. It transforms your every touch into expressive tone, delivering soulful sound straight from your fingertips. The fully-featured preamp offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean. The power amp sports oversized transformers and a 12BH7 dual triode that operates in push-pull mode. Housed in a single glass envelope, these two tube systems deliver a devastating one-two punch that will rock your tone!

The fully-featured preamp of the TubeMeister 5 offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean delivers a full five watts of tube tone with plenty of volume for satisfying sessions. And if you need to keep it soft in the studio or make it loud in the rehearsal room or on stage, the Red Box and power-soak are on board to feed true power amp tone straight to the desk.


Technical Data
Channels 1 Channel + Drive
Power 5 Watts
Protective Cover Softbag included
Dimensions 253 x 156 x 149 mm
Weight 3,5 kg

Warm tube tone with phenomenal dynamic range that sweeps from sparkling clean to throaty crunch

Harmonically rich tube distortion and the gain reserves to go from edgy overdrive to soaring lead sounds

Passive voicing section with separately tweaked frequency response for CLEAN and DRIVE

Preamp section sporting one 12AX7 tube

12BH7 dual triode push pull power section pumps out real 5 watts that rock

Oversized transformers that allow greater headroom on CLEAN and more punch on DRIVE tones

Automatic/switchable Power Soak with Silent-Recording-Function

Balanced and speaker-emulated RED BOX OUT for authentic recording tracks

H&K TubeMeister 5 真空管音箱頭


有史以來規模最大的跨海進香活動,「2014萬眾齊拜兩岸媽祖文化交流」15日返台,前立委、大甲鎮瀾宮董事長顏清標前往台中港接駕,台中市長胡志強也前往大甲體育場參與接駕大典。6天5夜的進香活動,吸引了台灣9000多名信眾,海外2000多名媽袓信徒,湧向湄洲袓廟進香,號稱是史上規模最大的跨海進香活動。返台前一天(14日)還傳出因為颱風,返台的船可能不開,但是昨天早上11點,預定起駕的時間一到,海象並沒有特別轉差,一行人順利返台,紛紛稱頌媽袓靈驗。if (typeof(ONEAD) !== "undefined"){ONEAD.cmd = ONEAD.cmd || [];ONEAD.cmd.push(function(){ONEAD_slot('div-inread-ad', 'inread');});} 前往台中港接駕的顏清標表示,這次雖然無緣前往湄洲,但是長子現任立委顏寬恒、鎮瀾宮副董事長鄭銘坤等人都有參與,他下次再去就好了,拜媽袓重誠心啦!但是與胡志強等人共同在接駕大典上香時,明顯看得出顏清標手持清香,嘴上喃喃細語向媽袓訴說不少心事。胡志強在接駕大典後,記者問到向媽袓許了什麼願望?胡志強回答,希望風調雨順、國泰民安、然後我再當選。記者追問,目前市長的民調數字似乎不是很理想?胡志強回應,不會吧?民調像月亮,初一、十五不一樣,做好本分最重要。1618C3873CB0B0C7
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